Get Your Life in Order! De-Clutter, Organize, and Live!

Hectic is an understatement. Trying to juggle work, family, and a social life (nevermind, personal time) can be an incredible challenge. So it's not uncommon for us to lose control of our surroundings and end up with a home that's just as messy as our life.

Which is why I love the following blogs! Each one is dedicated to helping you make your life just slightly easier every day so that you can spend more time doing the things you WANT to do, and less time putting cover sheets on TPS reports.

1) Unclutter.Com

Exactly what the website name says, it's all about products and ways to "unclutter" your life, one day at a time.

2) The Container Store

A vast array of organizers, shelving units, and other practical applicances. And you thought the only place to find "functional" was at Ikea.

3) Real Simple

By tackling one project at a time you can transform you house from something that should be on an episode of "Hoarders" to a personal oasis. And isn't that the whole point?

4) Dorm Buys

For those of us who are still reluctant supporters of post-secondary education, this website has everything so that you can be the BMOC or BWOC.

5) Vistaprint

Custom T-shirts, Stickers, Business Cards, Flyers...whatever you want! Stop killing yourself trying to make it to Kinko's before they close! Get it shipped straight to your door.

6) Organize

Another great website that sells a variety of products to help you get your life in order!

7) PBTeen

You'd never know it was a "Pottery Barn" site if you didn't read into the acronym. (Hey, it could've meant peanut butter?) This site is geared towards the younger crowd, and would be great for the Freshmen college crowd or those headed to high school for the first time.

8) Lifehacker

Everything you ever wanted to know about how to make your life easier. (No joke.)

9) Gearfire

Get what you want and do it on the cheap! Organizing your life without spending $$$

10) Four Hour Work Week

Re-think your day-to-day life already! Why kill yourself sitting behind a cubicle everyday waiting for your life to begin? Outsource the little things for cheap through companies in India, or find cheap/free interns through a local college in exchange for class credit!

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