Money Makers

I make the bulk of my income doing real life work, but as I work entirely freelance, things do get slow from time-to-time. When they do, I turn to the internet to make up the difference. (Especially in this economy.)

The following are various ways to earn cash. They're not really jobs, but things you can do once or twice to make some side money.

Cash Grab - Quick and Easy Money!
-$5 Amazon G/C with Clover!
-$10 For Joining!
-Get $50 when you Join INGDIRECT!
-Get $10 when you Join Personal Capital!

Resales - Here today, Sold tomorrow!
-Recycle and Earn!
-Sell Your Old Gift Cards!

Writing - Work At Home Writing Sites
-Why I Love
-Write it Up with Yahoo's Associated Content!

-Paid Blogging

Other Opportunities
-Rack up with GPT Sites!

I've been selling on the site long enough that I've hit the 4-digit mark a while ago, and that's only listing casually. Even with the tightened restrictions on sellers, I still manage to make anywhere from $20-$50 or more off this site every month.

I've made close to $500 with the site now, which means I almost paid for my first DSLR camera I bought with royalties off of only 25 photos. (Yes, that's all I have on there.) I'd like to eventually expand on this market when I get my new bridge camera in the next 2 months or so.

Craigslist, Etsy, & Amazon

I lumped these three together because while there are people who make their entire income off of one, the other, or all three. Eventually I'd like to make a run with Etsy, as I've learned some new tips and tricks that should make selling easier for me despite how crowded the site has gotten in the past few years.