Getting Started with GPT Sites!

-You'll need an email address specifically just for all these sites so that you won't receive spam in your regular email folder. Try a site like,

-Worried about telemarketers calling you? You can get a free online phone number with voice mail from

-Join Obopay and you can transfer your cash via text msgs! Just like Paypal...ONLY BETTER! Join obopay! Get $5 You can even send the free cash straight to your bank account!

-Internet Explorer is the best browser to use in order to get your offers to credit.

-Your computer needs to accept cookies in order for your offers to credit.
How to Set your computer to accept cookies in IE:
-Click on "Tools" in the top menu bar.
-Click on "Internet Options"
-Click on the "Privacy" tab.
-Slide the bar all the way down until it says "Accept All Cookies"
-Then go to "Advance" and un-check "override automatic cookie handling" if checked.

-You will need some kind of spyware stopper on your computer. I recommend a combination of programs like Avast!, Spybot, and CCleaner. All are available for free from

-Do *exactly* as the information specifies to do. If it says complete to the end, then you have to keep going until the end.


-How to Clean out your Cookies in IE:
You can clean out all your cookies, but if you do, you will have to sign back in with cashcrate because you wont be signed in anymore. To do this you can do the following:
1. Go to "Tools" in the taskbar on the top of your web browser.
2. Click on "Internet Options"
3. Click on "Delete Cookies", "Delete Files", and "Clear History"
4. Do this after 'completing' each offer and you will see a greater number of offer approvals.

-Some offers are instant, others can take as long as a month, or require confirmation.

-Find out if your website has a "non-credit request" form. They're normally only good for free/trial or credit card offers, but atleast you'll get paid!

-Report any broken links (non-working links) via a "trouble ticket" or through the sites contact forms. You'll often get some kind of reward for alerting the site's admin to the problem.

-Read their forums & your inbox! Sometimes there will be free contests, promo codes, etc for those that actually pay attention and participate.

-Running out of offers to complete? Go back through your pending files and redo the *free* offers that haven't credited from over 2 wks ago. Some offers can take multiple tries before they'll clear.

-Many sites now have their own guides on how to complete and use their site. One of the more popular ones is TreasureTrainer!

1 comment:

Victoria E. said...

Great advice! I've been doing GPT's for a couple of years and I still learned something from your blog! Keep up the good work! BTW, have you checked out Gypsy Jackpot?