The Bubble Has Begun to Burst...

Sadly, the GPT industry is losing steam. They've begun to change their policies to appease their advertisers. These policy changes are so virulent that I don't think that they themselves will last much longer because of it. Everything from non-crediting, contests, promos, & even the amount of pay per offers are being critically cut.

With that said, I'm scaling back on the GPT sites that I participate in. From here on out I'm going to stick with the larger sites that are much more likely to make it through this storm, and haven't resorted to ridiculous policy changes.

Heck, all of the larger sites haven't made any mention of problems with their advertisers period. Most of them are so busy marketing their site (like Treasure Trooper with their new TV ad), kicking off great contests (like Swatcash's Summer Contest), or offering new forms of payout (like Fusioncash's direct deposit option).

It's the beginning of the end of an era, but honestly, like with the Dotcom's, the good ones will become great (Yahoo?), and everything else will just fade away.


Trish said...

Ah, that may be why I was disappointed when I tried some of those sites.

Unknown said...

Yes, a lot of the smaller sites aren't doing so well since the advertiser strong arm. However sites like Treasure Trooper/Swatcash/Cashcrate/and a few others are still doing incredibly well.