Why I Love Gather.Com

I wasn't too enthralled with Gather when I first joined. In the past few months though, they've changed my opinion drastically and it has quickly become one of my "daily sites" that I participate in. I originally joined when someone else mentioned the site on AssociatedContent.com as an easy place to earn cash.

I originally had trouble with it, but now I'm having no problems at all. I've already cashed out for a $20 Borders gift card, and I just put in for a $25 Omaha Steaks giftcard.

$10 Borders Giftcard from Gather.Com
$10 Borders Giftcard from Gather.com

How the site works...

-For every article you submit, receive a comment for, or comment on, you get points.
-For every picture you submit, receive a comment for, or comment on, you get points.
-For every message you read, receive, &/or send, you get points.
-For every friend you add, you get points.
-For every person you refer, you get points.

Does that sound hard?

I didn't think so.

What makes this site great?

The point promotions! Plain, pure, simple. They had 2 just this past June. One was where you accumulated 10 points for every picture you uploaded. (I made 1500 points during this one month alone.) And then they had another where if you got 5 new people to join, you got a $20 Borders giftcard!

Tips n' Tricks

1)If you're already writing non-exclusive articles for sites like AssociatedContent.com, you can just take those same articles, flip them, and then re-post them on Gather's site. This means you'll reap twice the benefits off of one article.

2)Gather doesn't screen their pictures for "copyright infringement", so while I'm not condoning you posting pictures that aren't yours, and saying they are. I am saying that you can post pictures that aren't yours and cite their creator. Or you can post things like RPG Motivational Posters and not get in trouble.

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