Virtual Jurist, Play Online Games, or Coach!

According to this article it is! But you do need to be realistic. There's a lot of opportunities out there and they vary based on skill and experience.

You can...

1) Make money playing online games.

Some people are making six-figure incomes off of working in Second Life. Others are paying their rent and bills from working in an online video game doing everything from selling clothes to being a virtual real estate mogul. The opportunities are there for those who'd like to earn.

2) Join a virtual jury.

Lawyers are trying to learn more about juror demographics and how they effect the outcome of a trail. If mock juries don't make you want to plead the 5th, then this might be something for you.

3) Become a personal coach.

Can you motivate? Being a private coach can be demanding at times, but you at least have the option to pick your expertise so that you don't have to be another Jillian Micheals ala The Biggest Loser.

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