Don't Bother...

As I've already mentioned in my previous posts, many smaller GPT sites just aren't worth the effort anymore since they've given into advertiser's strong arming. Sites like Paycage & Allstarmoney.

Paycage currently owes me $22.65 since June, and has made no effort to pay it to me. The site was a smaller gpt site, and often trying to get offers to credit was difficult, if not impossible. It took me forever just to accrue the payment above, and now I'll never see it as I've been locked out of the website for reasons that weren't even justified to me.

Yep, that's right. No email, no notice period, just "Sorry, you aren't getting paid."

Allstarmoney owes me a partial payment of $7.15 that I was told via email that I would probably receive, but didn't!

Why? No clue. I was never notified as to why I wasn't going to receive the cash, just that "Your account was now closed, and we're keeping your money."

I've heard from several people about these two sites, and how they either lost money, or had their accounts closed in the past 2 months for no reason, and without any notice. There's probably more out there, but these are honestly the only 2 sites that I've dealt with that *HAVEN'T PAID*! Which in the GPT industry, makes them very short lived sites.

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